Grilled Dilled Salmon

Grilled Dilled Salmon

Total Time: 00h 25m
Hands-on Time: 00h 10m
Makes: 4 servings

Dill and salmon go together like peanut butter and jelly. The aromatic, sweet-citrusy taste of dill adds a unique nuance to buttery, flaky salmon, giving each bite well-rounded flavor.

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  1. Prepare grill.
  2. In a small bowl, combine all ingredients except salmon and set aside. Using heavy-duty foil, make a tray with 1-inch sides and arrange salmon on it.
  3. Spread butter mixture over fillets. Place salmon (with tray) on grill over hot coals. Cover lightly with foil and cook about 15 minutes, until fish flakes when tested with a fork.
  4. Serve warm and enjoy!