Vanilla Bean Truffles

Vanilla Bean Truffles

Total Time: 02h 20m
Hands-on Time: 00h 20m
Makes: 12 - 14 servings

These vanilla bean truffles make for a delightful holiday gift and store well for up to two weeks. For extra variety, roll the truffles in crushed nuts, sprinkles, or crushed candy canes along with or in place of the cocoa powder.

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  1. Roughly chop chocolate into fine pieces and place in a bowl.
  2. Into a small pot, add heavy cream. Scrape insides of vanilla beans into heavy cream. Heat until simmering, then remove from heat and pour over chocolate pieces.
  3. Let mixture sit for about 5 minutes, then stir until chocolate has melted and combined with cream. Press plastic wrap onto surface of mixture; refrigerate for about 2 hours, until mixture is set.
  4. In a shallow bowl, place cocoa powder. Once truffle mixture is chilled, scoop out 1 tablespoon and roll into a ball, then roll in cocoa powder until coated. Repeat with remaining mixture. Store truffles in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks.